"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 6)

"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 6)

The New Covenant

How do you relate to God?  So many people think that they have to embrace a special set of rules in order to get close to God, or others think that they have to make themselves clean and acceptable to God before He will listen to them. Well as the preacher continues to call his people to embrace Christ and not drift back to Judaism, he will unpack how it is we can approach God through Jesus… and how it…

Jesus the Greater Melchizedek

Melchizedek appears as a bit of a man of mystery in the story of God’s people. He appears for only a short time in Genesis 14, but the preacher of Hebrews declares that he punches well above his weight in terms of importance. As Pastor Joe unpacks who this man was and his contribution to our understanding of Jesus, we will be challenged with what is driving our lives and where our hopes really lie.

Anchor for Your Soul

We speak of our faith a lot in church but I wonder how often we stop to consider what faith actually is.  It is easy for us to get confused into thinking that faith is some mystical belief against all evidence… or maybe that faith in built through our striving to attain godliness in one way or another. As we continue in our Hebrews series we will unpack what faith really is and how is gives us assurance of our…

Jesus the Greater High Priest

There is a deep uncertainty that exists in the minds of humanity about how we might approach a holy God when we are estranged from Him. In the Old Testament this gap was filled by priests. The people relied heavily on their connection to the priesthood in order to secure their salvation. So when Jews became Christians it would have been easy for them to be tempted to feel like their faith in Jesus wasn’t enough to bridge the gap…

Jesus the Greater Rest

We live in a society where rest has become wrong. To rest means you are being lazy, that you are not committed to the cause, that you are useless and insignificant. But in the story of God’s people rest was actually a deeply desired concept. As the preacher of Hebrews continues to plead with his people not to abandon Jesus, he shows us why Jesus provides a far greater rest than anything God’s people had ever experienced and how we…

Jesus: Greater than Moses

As the preacher to the Hebrews has been passionately pleading with his people, we have begun to see that the Jesus he is preaching is far greater than anything that the old structures of Judaism could offer. This week one of our elders, Dave Evans, shows us how Jesus is greater than Moses and everything God did through him. But most importantly we will see that rejecting Jesus is even more costly than the Israelites who rejected Moses back in…

Jesus Better than Angels

Our culture has turned the idea of angels into feminised images of niceness and beauty… but when a Jew thought about angels they envisaged a powerful warrior-like creature who exercised significant power. Angels were the source of assurance for the Jews as they verified the messages that God sent them. With Jewish Christians being tempted to slide back into Judaism the Preacher of Hebrews wants to put their understanding of angels in perspective so they don’t miss the real message…

Jesus is Everything

While we don’t know too many concrete details about the author or the audience of the book of but what we do know helps us greatly in understanding the true meaning of this book. Basically the deal is that persecution has caused many Jewish Christians to be tempted into forsaking their new Christian faith and retreating into the protection of Judaism.  Into this pressure cooker of persecution and temptation, a preacher pleads with these Jewish Christians to see something in…

Waiting for a Provider

The people of Israel in Malachi’s day were pretty fickle people. All too easily they chopped and changed between a desire to worship Yahweh and doing whatever they wanted to do. But as we come to today’s passage we see that their fickleness was actually offending God… in fact God describes it as thievery. Join us as Pastor Joe explains how the people could be accused of robbing God and what God does about it.

Waiting for Justice

When we look out at a world full of injustice, oppression and betrayal it is easy for us to wonder where God might be… if God is a God of justice, why is the world such an unjust place?  People throughout history have asked this question, many of them have been faithful worshippers of God whose words are recorded for us in Scripture. But when the people of Malachi’s day asked this question, their motives were far from worshipful. As…