Exodus: Redemption.Covenant.Presence

Exodus: Redemption.Covenant.Presence

The Glory of God

The people of God had sinned grievously against Him through their idolatry with the golden calf. They had disqualified themselves from the covenant and from God’s presence with them. Pastor Joe unpacks Moses’ intercession for the people and the glorious way in which God responds.

The Golden Calf

The people were waiting at the bottom of the mountain for Moses to return from his encounter with Yahweh in the fire and storm on the summit… but he was a along time coming! So, the people let this time of uncertainty drive them to make a huge mistake… they make a god for themselves. Pastor Joe unpacks the reasons behind their idol worship and how we face very similar temptations in everyday life.

The Covenant With God

The Hebrew people stood at the foot of Mt Sinai and God reached out to them in covenant love. But what does this covenant look like? And how can we hope to live in the joy of it, when we fail God so often?

The 10 Commandments

The idea that God makes demands on His people is perhaps one of the most confronting things to our world; more often than not, people view Christianity as a list of rules. So, to a world that views any demand made on them as bad, how can God’s demands be for our good? Pastor Joe unpacks the stunning 10 commandments.

The Mighty Works of God

Yahweh has displayed His mighty works throughout the story of Exodus! However, when He reveals Himself in this way, it opens Him up to be assessed by those watching on. Pastor Ben will unpack the response of two different observers of the mighty works of Yahweh and what they can teach us today.

The Spirit of Grumbling

The Hebrew people have experienced one of the most stunning rescues of all time and they praised Yahweh for all He had done with all their might, with a song of salvation on their lips. But the story of Exodus takes us relatively quickly through 3 encounters that leave a very different sound on the lips of the people… the sound of grumbling. Pastor Joe unpacks the peril of a grumbling spirit and what God does to cure it in…

Prone to Panic

The people find themselves hemmed in between the might of Pharaoh’s army and the waters of the Red Sea. In this moment, panic breaks out amongst the people. But God will show them something that moves them from panic to praise. Pastor Ben will show us how He can do the same for us.

Redeemed People

After 9 rounds of this duel, Moses and Pharaoh prepare to part ways for the final time… but Yahweh reveals that there would be one final mighty move of His hand against the hard heart of Pharaoh. This final plague, and the freedom it brings, will become the most significant event in the Old Testament. Pastor Joe looks at this mighty redemption, and what it means to be one of the redeemed people of God.

The Hardening of a Heart

Yahweh and Pharaoh are standing toe-to-toe, locked in an epic duel… both laying claim to sovereignty over the Hebrew people. As Yahweh begins to chip away at Pharaoh’s hold on power, instead of realising he was out of his depth, Pharaoh hardens his heart over and over again. Pastor Ben unpacks the nature of his hard heart, and how Yahweh shows His power for the good of all who were watching.
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