"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 13)
They never told you God wants to set you free
“Christianity is an oppressive draconian regime of rules and restrictions!” This is the impression that so many people have of church. Maybe through an upbringing in a strict home, an education from a church school or media reports about narrow-minded churches you have come to this conclusion yourself – why bother with church when it is just out to brainwash me and trap me in a life of boring compliance to rules? This morning we look at a stunning encounter…
A community being made beautiful
The concept of marriage is common in our culture but often it is understood as merely a sentimental soppy love song style relationship or a cold legal commitment. The Bible’s vision of marriage however is stunningly high and cuts through both sentimentality and legalities. The reason it is so high is because He created it to mirror the thing He is most passionate about – His relationship with His people! As we finish our series on the church we are…
Snakes of Wrath
Some people try to build unity in the church by pointing out what they believe to be our common enemies. They lead the church into battlefronts against the social and moral problems of our day and it can seem as though we are united. But as we put up our defenses and form barricades against the external threats around us it is possible that we forget about an even greater threat… the threat within! As we come closer to the…
Christ: All You Need
As we have been journeying through Colossians we have seen that there were many ideas, philosophies and religions competing for the hearts and minds of the Colossian Christians. This morning we see another of Paul’s pleas to reject these in favour of Christ alone. Pastor Joe takes these truths and applies them to the problems that the church today has with evangelism.
Supreme Authority
So often we can feel guilty for not being able to squeeze Jesus into our lives somewhere. In the busyness of our lives with all our responsibilities and desires competing for our attention it is often hard to make room for Jesus. When Paul wrote this letter to the Colossian Christians his desire was to present Jesus in such a way that He would be seen as supreme over all the things that compete for our attention. This morning Pastor…