Sermons on John

Sermons on John

The Return Of The King

The Christian hope is not only founded on what God has done for us in the gospel, but the christian hope is one that looks forward to the day when Jesus will return in power and judgement. The Return of King Jesus will right every single wrong and it will be a day of rejoicing for all who put their faith in Jesus!

The King Who Empowers

After King Jesus’ ascended to the Father, he gave his Spirit to indwell his people and empower them to fulfil the mission of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The Resurrected King

The Resurrection of Jesus is the moment that death was conquered and resurrection life was made possible for all who trust in him. The resurrection of Jesus is the single most important event in human history because it is the moment that hope for our world dawned!

The Crucified King

The goodness of Good Friday is that Jesus completed the mission that he came to achieve. When Jesus died on the cross, his final cry was, “It Is Finished”. Through his death, Jesus’ made it possible for us to be reconciled to God. Jesus is the King who finished God’s plan of salvation

The Humble King

The Triumphal entry into Jerusalem is the moment when Jesus’ was recognised as the King of Israel. But Jesus was to be a different kind of King to the one that God’s people wanted. Instead of being a King who would overthrow Israel’s enemies with displays of power and military might, Jesus entered Jerusalem as the humble King who road in on a donkey’s colt.

The Spirit of Comparison

As 2020 begins and we reflect on what kind of year we had in 2019, it is tempting to look at the lives of other people and compare our situation to theirs… to rate whether or not our year was good based on how it stacks up against the experience of others. Pastor Joe helps us contemplate the New Year by unpacking a vital encounter Peter had with Jesus.
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