"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

He Shall be Called Immanuel

Many of us may have found ourselves in situation where everyone around us expects us to believe in God but we just don’t feel it ourselves.  In this situation maybe we knew of our doubts but were too afraid to admit it, so we just talked a good talk and coasted under the radar as best we could.  King Ahaz of Judah found himself in such a position… but as the pressures of being king pushed in against him, his…

The Chief Goal

The road towards the end of our lives is paved with increasingly uncertain and frustrating moments.  Solomon takes us on that journey as we discover what that journey will mean for us and how we should live in response.

Memento Mori

In most of our life we don’t tend to think about death.  But every now and then we get a chilling reminder that death is not an abstract concept for us humans… it is a very real reality and our very certain destiny.  Now while a sermon of death doesn’t seem that edifying, the fact Ecclesiastes speaks so candidly about it gives  us something that perhaps nothing else in life does… it vindicates the pain and fear we feel around death. …

Michael Howell: Cows, corpses and cleansing

God’s gracious provision of an instant sin offering to cure the uncleanness of his people reminds us that in Christ we have one who cleanses us not externally and temporarily, but internally and eternally.  Michael Howell from City North Baptist shares this powerful truth with us.

The vaporous vapour

While the book of Proverbs has shown us the good paths of wisdom that God calls us to walk and how following the voice of folly will lead to our demise, it hasn’t given us the whole story. We know that life is far more complex than Proverbs can make it out to be… that sometimes those that walk in folly succeed while those that walk in wisdom suffer.  It is into this confusing space that the book of Ecclesiastes…

Wisdom for our plans

From very young we are taught that having a plan is vital to success. The Proverbs seem to back this up as they highlight the wisdom that exists in a well planned venture.  But Proverbs also tells us that planning has its limitations.  Dave Evans will help us to see why our plans aren’t all they are cracked up to be and how we can honour God with the way we plan.

Rage Against Wisdom

Every one of us have a trigger… some people have more than one… some people have quite a few… something that triggers a rage inside of us that all too often works its way out into the lives of those around us. When traditional anger management techniques fail time and time again we need a more permanent solution to our rage. Pastor Joe unpacks the deeper cause of our anger and how God calls us to overcome it. The meme…

Wisdom for Sex

There is no doubt we live in a sexualised world. If anything the message of this sexualised world is that sex is your right, sex is there to be experimented and explored without any real boundaries.  This world also seems to think that Christianity’s sexual ethic is oppressive and restrictive.  Against this backdrop the Proverbs will give us a reason that God forbids sexual sin and calls us to a covenant love that is for our joy and His glory.…

Mike Westhuyzen: The Power of the Word

We are living in a time of rapid social and cultural change as we witness the turning of society away from long held Christian values. The recent census data shows fast growth of Australians claiming “No Religion”, and the steady decline of Christianity. And yet it is also true that the season we find ourselves in is hardly unique to us. Throughout history, God’s people have been here before and have witnessed times of amazing gospel impact in a godless…

Wisdom for Work

In Australian culture we make a habit of grumbling about our jobs; it is fashionable to bag out our boss, whine about how busy we are, and to do anything we can to get out of work. We are the nation of sickies, long weekends and the dream of early retirement.  But at the same time, deep down inside we are addicted to our work… there is something about it that causes us to sacrifice almost anything (time, relationships, health)…