Sermons from 2022 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2022 (Page 2)

Jesus and His Church

Pastor Ben helps us to see how Jesus achieves unity in the church through gifting us with gospel voices and growing us into maturity.

Unity in the Church

Paul has spent 3 chapters unveiling the eternal plan of God and how the Ephesian Christians had been given a new identity in this plan as “in Christ ones”. Now Paul changes gears and begins to call them to live lives that reflect their new identity. He starts with their unity!

Filled with the Fullness of God

Paul has unpacked the glorious wonder of the cosmic plan of God in Christ. Now he pauses for a moment to pray that the Ephesian Christians, together with all believers, would know the immeasurable power and love gifted to them in Christ. Jonny Lush unpacks this beautiful prayer for us.

Mystery Revealed

The stunning revelation that the church is the forging together of Jews and Gentiles in one new body is not just good news for Jews and Gentiles, it is good news for the world… good news that is worth suffering for.

One in Christ

Understanding how the gospel of Jesus Christ speaks to the ancient division between Jews and Gentiles in the stunning salvation plan of God.

A Gracious Salvation

Plumbing the depths of the full nature of what we were saved from and how God achieved this stunning act of grace.

Thankfulness in Christ

Having laid out the wonders of every spiritual blessing that those who have faith in Christ have been lavished with, Paul expresses his thankfulness that the Ephesians Christians have received it all in their salvation.