Sermons from 2020 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2020 (Page 2)

The Banquet

The good news about Jesus is a message that speaks of God’s incredible generosity where he invites people from far and wide to partake in his Kingdom. But this does not mean that everyone responds to his invitation. In this passage, Jesus shares a parable which speaks of God’s incredible, indiscriminate grace for those who accept God’s invitation and the result for those who choose to ignore it.

The King is Opposed

After Jesus’ glorious entrance into Jerusalem, he is confronted with a group of religious leaders who oppose his ministry and question his authority. These religious leaders are caught up in a wave of envy which blinds them to who Jesus truly is and it eventually leads them to plot putting him to death. Tune in and hear Pastor Ben unpack this encounter showing how sin can blind us but how Jesus can also save us from this blindness

The King’s Entrance

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem is the fulfilment of the promise that God would one day send a King to rule and lead his people. But Jesus is no ordinary King. Jesus enters not on a warhorse, but on a donkey. Jesus enters not with the intention to overthrow his enemies with the sword, but rather to suffer and die so that we could receive forgiveness.

The Way of The Cross

Jesus has set His mind on walking the way of the cross, but two of His disciples have their eyes set on a very different road. Pastor Joe unpacks Jesus’ challenge to them and us.

The First & The Last

Jesus has been challenging what people thought about the Kingdom of God, saying things like, “The first shall be last and the last first.” Now He tells a parable to ram home this point. Pastor Joe unpacks this story and challenges the way we view the world.

The Rich Young Man

It is the plight of many religious person to gain eternal life, to be on the good side of their deity when they die. In this passage, a rich young man asks Jesus what he needs to do to gain this prize. Jesus’ answer leaves the man sorrowful and challenged all who heard it. Pastor Ben helps us to see the beauty of finding eternal life in Jesus.

Marriage & Divorce

There are few more emotionally sensitive areas of our lives than marriage, sexuality and relationships. Perhaps this is why the Pharisees chose to use a question about divorce to trap Him. Pastor Joe unpacks Jesus’ answer and helps us wrestle with how to reckon with God’s vision of marriage.

Forgiveness in the Community

We all know the pain of being wronged by someone else… and we all know the guilt and shame of hurting others. Life in community when we are broken people living in a broken world is difficult. But Jesus shows us a better way of handling this brokenness. Pastor Ben unpacks Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness.

How to Think of Yourself

Jesus has set His face towards Jerusalem, back towards the rejection and opposition of the religious elite. As He does this, His teaching to His disciples becomes more pointed. This week, Pastor Joe unpacks how Jesus’ disciples instructed His disciples to think about their engagement with the world.

The Glorious Christ

The life of the disciples had become increasingly chaotic as they continued to follow Jesus. But this week, Jesus takes a small band of them up a mountain to show them something that will cut through the chaos they faced. And it is a truth we desperately need to hear today!