Sermons from 2018 (Page 5)

Sermons from 2018 (Page 5)

Church – The Ugly

We might not like to admit it, but church can be ugly… church has been ugly. Right throughout history there have been churches who have got faith in Christ very wrong.  As we finish up our journey through Jesus’ letters to the churches of Asia, we look at two churches that had all but ceased to be true churches.  In these painful letters we will find what it is that turns churches ugly and be confronted with the tendency in…

Church – The Bad

As Jesus continues to share insights with the churches of Asia we find that there are a group of churches seem to be holding on to the faith, but for some reason Jesus also has found something deeply concerning amongst them.  This week Pastor Joe unpack what Jesus finds concerning in the church and how we might be on the verge of embracing this concerning trend.

Church – The Good

It would have been easy for the churches in Asia to feel as though Jesus was distant to their trials and tribulations. But last week we saw that they powerful and fearsome Jesus stood amongst the lampstands of His church. He knew them and He knew their situation. So when He writes to them, He writes with both knowledge and love. This week we look at two of the churches to see what Jesus commends in His church.

Jesus Uncovered

When it comes to the Book of Revelation it is really easy to get caught up in the crazy images, the numbers and codes, and the visions and characters… but this is to miss the main point. Pastor Joe commences our series in Revelation by unpacking the main point of the book and the greatest need for any generation.

Permission to Suffer

When we ask God, “Why is there so much suffering?” we are not really asking for a logical answer as to the existence of suffering… we are more than likely asking a personal question “Why am I suffering?” And it is to this question that the bible doesn’t have a clear and neat answer.  Instead the bible does something radical… something so much better than a logical answer.

God’s Patience is Salvation

There are few phrases that sum up the Australians ethos better than; “she’ll be right”. We love this phrase because above all it communicates that we relaxed and chilled. The problem is, when we think about it, the mantra of “She’ll be right” is nothing more than prolonging the things that we should be doing right now because we presume the future. In his final stanza before signing off, Peter calls us not to live according to the she’ll be…

The God who Vindicates & Judges

What is the greatest danger to the church? Some people might think that the greatest danger to the church comes from external pressures like secularisation, or progressive ideologies or perhaps even the threat of radical Islam. However, Peter writes that the greatest danger to the church doesn’t come from external pressures, but rather, from within the church itself, from false teachers who veer away from Jesus and the gospel. These false teachers threaten the very foundation of the Gospel by…