Sermons (Page 26)

Sermons (Page 26)

Unnatural Wisdom

People strive for success by seeking out every bit of information and instruction they can find in the world. The church in Corinth was seeking the success of the church through seeking the wisdom of Corinthian society. Paul redirects their focus to the foolish message of the cross, the true wisdom of God.

Preaching the Crucified Christ

It is hard for us to imagine the message of Jesus being considered as weak and foolish… but that is exactly how people received it in the city of Corinth. How can anybody worship a crucified leader? But Paul never departed from this foolish message, and he calls us to cling to it as well.

A Plea for Unity

Today we begin a new series in the book of 1 Corinthians. We start by looking at Paul’s joy concerning the conversion of the Corinthian believers, but also his sorrow at divisions that had appeared between them.

The Living Hope

As we continue looking at ancient truths of the Christian faith and how understanding them can frame how we embark on a new year, Ben Peacock unpacks the stunning truth that our future is sure in Jesus.

Rest in Christ

We continue our Old Truth for a New Year series by looking at the glorious truth that Jesus is our all satisfying rest. Pastor Joe looks at how this truth can frame our year.

Weakness & Strength

As we think about 2019 and all it holds in store for us, I reckon most of us would be hoping that it doesn’t hold suffering, trial or weakness. Rightfully, we don’t like the thought that a New Year might bring stuff that will make our lives hard. But what if it does? Pastor Joe unpacks how even if 2019 is another year of weakness, there is much that we can rejoice in.

Human Incarnation

As we continue to explore the wonder of the Incarnation, Pastor Ben unpacks how Jesus’ incarnation helps us better understand what it means to be human and how we can live out our true and glorious humanity.

Humble Incarnation

Many of us resonate with the desire to put the Christ back into Christmas… but perhaps what many people mean by this is simply having a more Christianised version of Christmas… Pastor Joe continues our incarnation series by proposing a way that we can truly put the Christ back into Christmas without it being a trite, superficial gimmick.

Cosmic Incarnation

In this, the first of our Incarnation messages, Pastor Joe looks at the cosmic nature of the incarnation and how we should never lose sight of the radical change the first Christmas made to our world.