"victory" Tagged Sermons

"victory" Tagged Sermons

Victory Uncovered (Easter Sunday)

War has captured the imagination of poets, authors and artists.  Mainly because of the great themes of human emotion that all seem to find a place on the battlefield, but also because the average person needs to be transported to the battlefield.  We don’t know what war is like so we need these artists to take us there.  Revelation 12 stands as a vivid and powerful description of another battle that we need to be transported to, an invisible battle…

Waiting for Love

This week we begin our Christmas series by looking at the book of Malachi. Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament and therefore the last prophetic voice before the coming of Jesus at the first Christmas and therefore gives us a unique look at why we needed Christmas. The week we start by looking at the fact that all of us are waiting to be loved by God. The love of God is one of the simplest of…

The Gospel is Victorious

As we come to the end of Acts, we find Paul finally makes it to Rome where he continues to preach the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. Here Acts leaves Paul, preaching the gospel in Rome, living at his own expense, with the world coming to hear him. Luke finishes his account of the early church here to show us something that is stunning that should grip our hearts and embolden our mission.

The End of Evil

In our society we have a tendency to downplay the concept of evil. We like to think that there really aren’t such categories as black and white, or good and evil; preferring to smooth everything out to grey. That is until something happens that we cannot mistake for anything but evil. The story of the Bible doesn’t hide the reality of evil.  In fact it highlights evil so that we cannot miss it.  But more than just highlighting it, the Bible…

The Appointed Day

As Christians we often face the accusation that our God cannot be the God of love and moral perfection that we claim Him to be when there are scores of examples of horrid violence in the Old Testament committed by the people of God often times at the direction of God.  Chapter 9 of Esther presents one such case and forces us to confront the reality of Old Testament violence.  Pastor Joe helps us understand this complex issue and how it…

Know the enemy

As we continue in the story we come to chapter 3 with 5 years having passed since Esther became queen.  It is here that the story teller chooses to pick up the action again because the enemy of the people of God has been promoted to prominence.  This morning we meet Haman and we hear of his scheme to completely destroy the Jewish people and as we learn more about the enemy of God’s people in Susa we will also discover…
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