"theology" Tagged Sermons

"theology" Tagged Sermons

Scripture – the God who wants to be known

Most religions describe the concept of god as some distant, unknowable, mysterious being who exists in a place far removed from our existence who can only be known by those dedicated enough to find him. The Christian conception of God is of a being far bigger and far more outside of our existence than any other and yet this God is personal and longs to be known by His creation. As we begin to study the core doctrine of the…

Creed Prequel: What is the Gospel?

Before we begin our series looking at the essential doctrine of the church we take a moment to reflect on that which is our central, pivotal and definitive message… the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  It will be through this gospel that we seek to understand all the other points of doctrine we look at and by which we test all ideas about God.  So join Pastor Joe as he unpacks the cosmic picture of what God accomplished in the gospel. 
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