"satisfaction" Tagged Sermons

"satisfaction" Tagged Sermons

Insatiable vapour

There was a problem with the recording of this sermon, the pastor’s notes are as follows: Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12 “Insatiable Vapour” Sunday 29th October 2017 Rosalie Baptist 9:30am 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty… less than $1.25 a day 22000 children die each day due to this poverty 750 million people live without access to clean drinking water Close to 200 million children under the age of 5 have stunted growth due to chronic malnutrition 2 million children die each…

On Being Wise

Our series on Wisdom Literature is called “Every Good Path” but if you asked our generation for wisdom they might say, “Every path is good.”  It might seem like this relativism sets people free and makes life easier because there are now so many options when it comes to what is right. But instead all these options have made us the most confused generation of all time. More than ever we need to know what it means to be wise…

Where the grass is greener

No matter how many good things that we have in life just about all of us suffer from a deep feeling that we could do with just a little bit more.  Sometimes our dissatisfaction in life can flow over to our understanding of faith… we feel we want just a little bit more than Jesus can offer.  Pastor Joe looks at the most famous Psalm and highlights two stunning images of God that heal our “grass is always greener” hearts…
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