"Revelation" Tagged Sermons
The God who Revealed Himself
The final recorded words of people before they die give us an insight into their beliefs, their worldview, their reflection on life and their future hope. The book of 2 Peter contains the last recorded words of the Apostle before he died. And in his final speech, Peter lays down the foundation on how to live as a faithful follower of Jesus as he passes the gospel baton onto the next generation which has now been past down to us.
Jesus is Everything
While we don’t know too many concrete details about the author or the audience of the book of but what we do know helps us greatly in understanding the true meaning of this book. Basically the deal is that persecution has caused many Jewish Christians to be tempted into forsaking their new Christian faith and retreating into the protection of Judaism. Into this pressure cooker of persecution and temptation, a preacher pleads with these Jewish Christians to see something in…
Scripture – the God who wants to be known
Most religions describe the concept of god as some distant, unknowable, mysterious being who exists in a place far removed from our existence who can only be known by those dedicated enough to find him. The Christian conception of God is of a being far bigger and far more outside of our existence than any other and yet this God is personal and longs to be known by His creation. As we begin to study the core doctrine of the…
Future Perfection
Last week we saw that while we often fail to reach our resolutions due to our own weakness and failures, there is hope in the gospel. Because the gospel provides full and perfect forgiveness. But what if our failures were not due to our weaknesses or sins… what if our failures were due to the brokenness of the world and the brokenness of people around us? Pastor Joe walks us through John’s vision of the coming Kingdom to show us…