"prayer" Tagged Sermons

"prayer" Tagged Sermons

Jonny Lush: The Dependent Widow

When it comes to spiritual disciplines like prayer it is so easy to beat ourselves up about how slack or forgetful we might be.  So when Jesus tells His disciples a story to fuel their persistence in prayer  what we find is not a guilt trip or beat down, but rather it is a story of an unrighteous judge and a poor widow.  As Jonny Lush unpacks this story we find a stunning encouragement to pray.

A Prayer for Restoration

We are rightfully wary of any theology that turns God into a wish granting genie who exists just to please us… but we cannot let this scepticism hide the reality that God guarantees to hear and answer our prayers.  In fact we can have every confidence that whatever we ask for according to His will is ours.  This morning Pastor Joe looks at what it means to pray in God’s will and what God longs for us to do with…

Seasoned with Jesus

While none of us would admit it, sometimes practically we live as though we think evangelism is for the trained professionals and that our job is to simply earn money so we can fund pastors and missionaries.  But as we near the end of Colossians we see that Paul invites people to join him in the task of gospel proclamation!  There is a role for you in the furthering of the message of Jesus.  Pastor Joe takes some time this…
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