"Malachi 3" Tagged Sermons
Waiting for a Provider
The people of Israel in Malachi’s day were pretty fickle people. All too easily they chopped and changed between a desire to worship Yahweh and doing whatever they wanted to do. But as we come to today’s passage we see that their fickleness was actually offending God… in fact God describes it as thievery. Join us as Pastor Joe explains how the people could be accused of robbing God and what God does about it.
Waiting for Justice
When we look out at a world full of injustice, oppression and betrayal it is easy for us to wonder where God might be… if God is a God of justice, why is the world such an unjust place? People throughout history have asked this question, many of them have been faithful worshippers of God whose words are recorded for us in Scripture. But when the people of Malachi’s day asked this question, their motives were far from worshipful. As…