"Luke 18" Tagged Sermons

"Luke 18" Tagged Sermons

Jonny Lush: The Dependent Widow

When it comes to spiritual disciplines like prayer it is so easy to beat ourselves up about how slack or forgetful we might be.  So when Jesus tells His disciples a story to fuel their persistence in prayer  what we find is not a guilt trip or beat down, but rather it is a story of an unrighteous judge and a poor widow.  As Jonny Lush unpacks this story we find a stunning encouragement to pray.

The End of Self-Justification

When we dust off our cute little nativity scenes each year we think little about the world that Jesus was born into.  We know the famous story of Joseph, Mary and the manger but we know very little of the kind of society that these events took place in.  As we start our Christmas series for 2015 we will look at what this society was like and how the coming of Jesus dramatically changed it.
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