"Law" Tagged Sermons

"Law" Tagged Sermons

The Gospel as #lifegoal

Having journeyed with Paul over the last few months of our Acts series we have come to know him fairly well; to the point where we might be able to predict what he will do. But as he arrives back in Jerusalem he will make 3 decisions that seem bizarre to us. He will act against Spirit-filled advice, embrace the Jewish Law again, and deliberately place himself in danger. But as we uncover his motives behind these 3 decisions we…

Fighting for the Gospel

After the wondrous joys of their first missionary journey Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch where they soon encounter a new group of teachers who have begun to spread a nuanced gospel. Upon hearing their message Paul & Barnabas are quick to refute their teaching to the point where they head off to Jerusalem to meet with the Apostles and elders of the church in order to sort the matter out once and for all. Pastor Joe takes us through…

Graduating to Faith

All throughout our Galatians series so far Paul has been championing the reality that we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ.  IN other words that the basis for our right standing with God is not our capacity to measure up to the Law of Moses but rather Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  But if you are anything like me this raises a question: What’s the deal with the Law now? Does it matter how I live? Why did God…
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