"Jacob" Tagged Sermons

"Jacob" Tagged Sermons

A Changed Man

Having walked confidently into Peniel, Jacob now limps out… but his limp signifies the dramatic change that took place in his life; he was no longer Jacob the deceiver, he was Israel the contender.  But now he actually comes face to face with his greatest fear; meeting his brother Esau. Will Jacob demonstrate this change, or will he fall back into his old ways?

Wrestling with God

Jacob has finally freed himself from bondage to his Uncle Laban and now he heads home with his new family and all their possessions.  But there is still one thing that lingers over his head.  The reality that he must soon confront his brother Esau; the brother he wronged 20 years ago. As Jacob deals with the stress of this situation, God reveals Himself in a way that changed Jacob forever.

The Deceiver is Deceived

Jacob has escaped from his home, fleeing from the wrath of his brother Esau. He has also met God on the road and discovered Him to be bigger and more powerful than he had previously thought. But now he arrives at his destination, the house of his uncle Laban where he hoped to find a wife. As Jacob seeks a bride we will see what is in his heart and how it impacts his life practically.

The Self-Reliant Man

Intern Nico Crampton continues to unpack the story of Jacob by looking at the way in which different characters in the narrative deal with difficulty.  As we see the way they respond we will be challenged to see something that is a challenge to many of us.

The Sovereign Author

The story of Genesis is the origin story of the Jewish people.  It is how they discovered who there were, where they were, and who their God was.  As we come to investigate the story of one of the famous patriarchs of the people of God, Jacob, we need to understand why his life is recorded for us.  God, as the sovereign author, has written Jacob’s story, complete with all his failures, weaknesses and deceit, into His grand saga.  In…
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