"hebrews 9" Tagged Sermons

"hebrews 9" Tagged Sermons

Obsessed with Blood

For some reason Christians seemed to be obsessed with blood: we celebrate it, we sing about it, we champion its power, and we drink a cup of wine that represents it.  This is pretty strange behaviour.  This obsession can make us feel pretty confused and uncomfortable.  But it is necessary that we embrace the concept of blood because it is central to our faith.

Easter Sunday: The end of all doubt

There is a moment of doubt in all systems of belief… where you do everything you can to achieve the goal of your faith or the desires of your heart… and then you have to wait… wait to see if it has worked for you. This moment of doubt leaves us lingering in fear that things might not work out the way we want.  As we meditate on the Easter message of resurrection we will see how Jesus being raised…
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