"freedom" Tagged Sermons
Set Free Indeed
On Sunday 18th November 2018 we baptised a young couple. This is the message preached on that day to joyously reflect on the gospel that saved them so powerfully.
The Gratitude of Freedom
Saying “Thanks” can often seem like a token… because the words rarely match the act that deserved the gratitude. In fact the best way we can thank someone is to go on and do whatever the person who helped desired for us. Jesus has gifted us something that we know our words or songs could never repay. So how do we thank Jesus in a way that will do justice to the gift He has given?
Easter Sunday: The end of all doubt
There is a moment of doubt in all systems of belief… where you do everything you can to achieve the goal of your faith or the desires of your heart… and then you have to wait… wait to see if it has worked for you. This moment of doubt leaves us lingering in fear that things might not work out the way we want. As we meditate on the Easter message of resurrection we will see how Jesus being raised…
The End of Self-Justification
When we dust off our cute little nativity scenes each year we think little about the world that Jesus was born into. We know the famous story of Joseph, Mary and the manger but we know very little of the kind of society that these events took place in. As we start our Christmas series for 2015 we will look at what this society was like and how the coming of Jesus dramatically changed it.
Easter Sunday: No Condemnation
This life constantly casts burdens upon our shoulders… the burdens of trying to get everything in our life right… to measure up to the demands of those around us. But in the story of the empty tomb there is a stunning truth that offers us hope and freedom. On Resurrection Sunday Pastor Joe reveals the amazing word that God spoke over humanity when He raised Jesus from the dead and how it gives us true freedom!
The Gospel and Obedience
I am just going to say it, most of us don’t like being told to obey. It cuts against our preconceived idea that we know what is best for ourselves. In many ways it is one of the big reasons that people steer clear of Christianity, because they feel like they will be forced to obey rules and regulations rather than determine their own direction. So when John calls for radical obedience as evidence for our faith it could reinforce…
Preaching the gospel to yourself
As we wrap up our series in Galatians and look at Paul’s passionate final plea to the churches we see once again the stunning freedom of the gospel. Gospel faith is not about trying to get close to God be keeping the requirements of the Law, but about trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But just as we have seen that it is vital that gospel preachers stay true to this one gospel, we need to realise…
Freedom in the Spirit
All throughout Galatians Paul has been championing freedom, but perhaps you have had some serious questions about this. See we know that the nature of humanity is corrupted and so if we are set free from the laws that keep our sinful nature in check will we not just embrace that sin and wind up doing more damage than good. Paul anticipates this question and declares boldly that even though we are called to freedom we should not abuse that…
Don’t Miss the Point
It is so easy to get caught up in the routines of our faith, the busyness of life or the trials and frustrations we face and to totally miss the point of Christianity altogether. As we reach Galatians 5 Paul declares with simple clarity why Jesus died for us… why Jesus sacrificed Himself… what was in His mind as He brought us into salvation… FREEDOM! And yet so often we miss the beauty of this freedom and exchange it for…
Coming of Age
All around the world different cultures mark the transition from boy to man with various rites of passage. It is the moment a young man tests his metal against the elements and proves himself worthy of maturity. In Galatians 4 Paul continues to highlight the wonders of belief in Christ by describing saving faith like coming of age… salvation is like moving from boyhood where we are enslaved to the rules of the house to full sonship where we are…
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