"forgiveness" Tagged Sermons
God is Light
When we are convicted of our sin it can often feel painful… this is mainly because our sin is pretty much always driven by our pride and so when we get ourselves into trouble it is a slap in the face to our pride as we realise we are not as good as we thought we were. As John continues to unpack the implications of the gospel we are going to wrestle with how we should deal with this conviction.
Water of Life
So often in this series we have seen Israel get frustrated with a small thing and let it turn them against God. Yet again in this passage we find the people grumbling and complaining against God and Moses because they have no water. However, this time it is not the sin of Israel that comes under the spotlight. This time it is the sin of Moses! The great leader who had battled so hard to keep the people on track…
Thankful for the Gospel
This morning we begin a new series in Colossians. Paul is writing to a church he didn’t plant but a church that he had a huge investment in because he had led the church planter to Christ. In this letter Paul reminds the Christians in Colossae of the supremacy of Christ and the blessing that is for this world and their lives. But today we start by looking at the joy and thankfulness that overflows in Paul’s heart when he hears about the work of the gospel in Colossae. Perhaps there is a need for us to be thankful as well.