"evangelism" Tagged Sermons

"evangelism" Tagged Sermons

Darren Dakers: Fishers of Men

Sometimes the task of reaching our unsaved family and friends with the gospel can seem impossible and it is easy for us to slip into hopeless inaction when it comes to our attempts at sharing Jesus.  This morning guest speaker Darren Dakers from Ashgrove Baptist reminds that Jesus is the God of the impossible and His desire is to use us for this very purpose.  Following Him will mean being put in a place where there is an abundance of…

Christ: All You Need

As we have been journeying through Colossians we have seen that there were many ideas, philosophies and religions competing for the hearts and minds of the Colossian Christians.  This morning we see another of Paul’s pleas to reject these in favour of Christ alone.  Pastor Joe takes these truths and applies them to the problems that the church today has with evangelism.  
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