"covenant" Tagged Sermons
Wrestling with God
Jacob has finally freed himself from bondage to his Uncle Laban and now he heads home with his new family and all their possessions. But there is still one thing that lingers over his head. The reality that he must soon confront his brother Esau; the brother he wronged 20 years ago. As Jacob deals with the stress of this situation, God reveals Himself in a way that changed Jacob forever.
Wisdom for Sex
There is no doubt we live in a sexualised world. If anything the message of this sexualised world is that sex is your right, sex is there to be experimented and explored without any real boundaries. This world also seems to think that Christianity’s sexual ethic is oppressive and restrictive. Against this backdrop the Proverbs will give us a reason that God forbids sexual sin and calls us to a covenant love that is for our joy and His glory.…
The Old Testament in one sermon
As we begin our series in the Book of Hebrews we must realise that the author of this book quotes, references and highlights the Old Testament more than any other New Testament author. So as we embark on a journey through his writing we are going to remind ourselves of the glorious story of the Old Testament in one sermon. Pastor Joe tells us the story of God’s people by examine 7 key strands of thought that define God’s interactions…
Waiting for Commitment
We tend to very easily separate the vertical aspect of our life (where we worship God who is above) from the horizontal aspect (where we relate to people alongside of us). As Malachi continues to uncover the brokenness of the society of his day this week he will touch on the most intimate horizontal relationship the people knew and how their destruction of it was destroying their vertical relationship with God. Divorce causes great sorrow and pain in our society…