"compassion" Tagged Sermons
Humanity – the image of God
It seems that the most noble quest according to our culture is the quest to find oneself. I don’t quite know if many of us understand what finding ourself is really about, but we seem to embrace any trend, program or colouring book that promises us deeper knowledge of ourselves. As we investigate the doctrine of humanity Pastor Joe presents two narratives of humanity and unpacks the implications of which one you choose to believe about yourself.
Ben Peacock: Inheriting Eternal Life?
In the gospel of Luke we are presented with a wonderful dialogue between Jesus and an expert in Jewish law. It is out of this dialogue that we are reminded of one of Jesus most famous parables, the parable of the good Samaritan. As we delve into this wonderful story, may we be reminded that we are not justified by the neighbours we choose to love, but may we consider how we are now free to be an indiscriminate neighbour…
The King for the Broken-hearted
Running through the prophecies of Jeremiah has been a savage critique of the society that the now idolatrous nation of Judah was building. The poor, the widow, the orphan, and the refugee were being overlooked and left vulnerable. Here in this chapter Jeremiah brings this theme to the fore and reveals something shocking about the heart that was behind these social abuses.