Sermons by Joe Khan (Page 20)

Sermons by Joe Khan (Page 20)

Wisdom for Work

In Australian culture we make a habit of grumbling about our jobs; it is fashionable to bag out our boss, whine about how busy we are, and to do anything we can to get out of work. We are the nation of sickies, long weekends and the dream of early retirement.  But at the same time, deep down inside we are addicted to our work… there is something about it that causes us to sacrifice almost anything (time, relationships, health)…

A Conversation About Sin

Last week we began our series on Wisdom Literature by unpacking the joys of wisdom.  This week we take a look at the flipside of wisdom: foolishness, wickedness or sin.  Because sin tends to be a negative thought in society, it is something that we don’t like to talk about.  But for those who want to pursue true wisdom, an understanding of sin, and an appropriate way to talk about it, are essential. Join us as we open up this…

On Being Wise

Our series on Wisdom Literature is called “Every Good Path” but if you asked our generation for wisdom they might say, “Every path is good.”  It might seem like this relativism sets people free and makes life easier because there are now so many options when it comes to what is right. But instead all these options have made us the most confused generation of all time. More than ever we need to know what it means to be wise…

The Community that Clings to Jesus

As the preacher concludes his sermon it seems as though he is just spraying out a whole bunch of rules or laws that he expects the people to embrace. But we have to remember his overarching passion to call the people to cling to Jesus. Because these rules and laws are not a regime of regulations being enforced on the people, but they are ways in which the community of faith can help one another cling to Jesus.

The Unshakable Hope

All of us are looking for a kingdom, not a stereotypical kingdom with a castle and a mote, but we want to set our lives up to be safe, prosperous, and secure.  The people of the first century were likewise tempted to build a life of security and safety for themselves but because they had chosen to follow Jesus their lives had become less secure. So the preacher, knowing their fears and insecurities, calls to them with the glories of…

Persevering Against Sin

The preacher has called his people to embrace a life of persevering faith, to endure to the end with Jesus, never letting go. Well as he moves on from the hall of faith’s heroes in chapter 11, the preacher will unpack the beautiful glories of this life of faith over and against the horrors of sin.  The plan is that we will see sin for what it really is and reach out for persevering faith in Jesus instead.

God’s Story, told by faith

“You’ve just got to have faith.” This is often the way we end conversations about how it is we believe in an unseen God.  But all too often it feels like a cop out.  I mean what is faith anyway?  Well as the preacher of Hebrews continues to plead with his people to cling to Jesus by faith, he unpacks the role this faith has played int he history of God’s people.  This the the story of God, told by…

The Gratitude of Freedom

Saying “Thanks” can often seem like a token… because the words rarely match the act that deserved the gratitude. In fact the best way we can thank someone is to go on and do whatever the person who helped desired for us.  Jesus has gifted us something that we know our words or songs could never repay. So how do we thank Jesus in a way that will do justice to the gift He has given?

Obsessed with Blood

For some reason Christians seemed to be obsessed with blood: we celebrate it, we sing about it, we champion its power, and we drink a cup of wine that represents it.  This is pretty strange behaviour.  This obsession can make us feel pretty confused and uncomfortable.  But it is necessary that we embrace the concept of blood because it is central to our faith.

Easter Sunday: The end of all doubt

There is a moment of doubt in all systems of belief… where you do everything you can to achieve the goal of your faith or the desires of your heart… and then you have to wait… wait to see if it has worked for you. This moment of doubt leaves us lingering in fear that things might not work out the way we want.  As we meditate on the Easter message of resurrection we will see how Jesus being raised…