Sermons by Guest Speaker (Page 2)

Sermons by Guest Speaker (Page 2)

Mike Westhuyzen: The Power of the Word

We are living in a time of rapid social and cultural change as we witness the turning of society away from long held Christian values. The recent census data shows fast growth of Australians claiming “No Religion”, and the steady decline of Christianity. And yet it is also true that the season we find ourselves in is hardly unique to us. Throughout history, God’s people have been here before and have witnessed times of amazing gospel impact in a godless…

Alan Stanley: Do you get love?

We can be the most on point people when it comes to the practices of our faith, bible reading, church attendance, ministry involvement, and yet still completely miss the point of what following Jesus is all about.  Alan Stanley from BST takes us through how we can be so blind to the primary call of Jesus on our lives.

Jonny Lush: The Dependent Widow

When it comes to spiritual disciplines like prayer it is so easy to beat ourselves up about how slack or forgetful we might be.  So when Jesus tells His disciples a story to fuel their persistence in prayer  what we find is not a guilt trip or beat down, but rather it is a story of an unrighteous judge and a poor widow.  As Jonny Lush unpacks this story we find a stunning encouragement to pray.

Josh Mays: The Rich Fool

“The Great Aussie Dream” is wrapped up in hard work, property, financial security, food and life enjoyment. And so when Jesus tells a parable about a farmer who worked hard, reaped the rewards of the work and invested it wisely we might be shocked when Jesus declares this man to be a fool.  Josh Mays shares with us why this man is a fool and how his foolishness can so easily entangle us. 

Dean Sandham: the future of the church

We are often challenged by the mission that God has sent us out on; the need to make disciples of all nations.  We are likewise inspired by what we see happening in the church right now; conversions, testimonies and solid growth.  But when we go through a season of dryness, and these sources of inspiration are less obvious, it might be that we need to remember the future of the church.  Dean Sandham from Deception Bay Baptist is our guest today…

Josh Lean: Breaking free from Worry

Severe anxiety, sleeping disorders and depression are all on the rise, not to mention the stresses we all face on a day to day basis. Stress and anxiety seem a natural part of life in the 21st century. In this passage we see that Jesus has a remarkably different desire for his disciples—that they be worry free. This is a radical reality, not a pipe dream, made possible as we centre our desires and affections on all that we have…

Murray Lean: The Heart of Rebellion

We continue in our series in the book of Numbers as Murray Lean from City North Baptist comes and shares with us.  In Numbers 16 we see a man who had become so discontent with his life that he rebelled against his leaders and against his God.  But as we look at his rebellion we will see that this spirit of discontentment is at the heart of every human ego; we are all prone to rebel against God when we…

Darren Dakers: Fishers of Men

Sometimes the task of reaching our unsaved family and friends with the gospel can seem impossible and it is easy for us to slip into hopeless inaction when it comes to our attempts at sharing Jesus.  This morning guest speaker Darren Dakers from Ashgrove Baptist reminds that Jesus is the God of the impossible and His desire is to use us for this very purpose.  Following Him will mean being put in a place where there is an abundance of…
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