Sermons on 1 Samuel (Page 3)

Sermons on 1 Samuel (Page 3)

Samuel’s Leadership

The nation has suffered painfully under the corrupt leadership of Eli’s household. But God has raised up Samuel, the answer to a broken lady’s prayers, to lead the nation. Pastor Ben helps us find hope in the new thing God was doing amongst His people.

The Victorious God

Last week we saw the shocking and sorrowful moment that God willingly allowed Himself to be defeated in order to remain faithful to His word. This week Pastor Joe looks at what happens to the Ark of God while it is in Philistine captivity and how God reveals two staggering truths about who He really is.

God Won’t Be Manipulated

Samuel has been established as one who speaks God’s word, the prophecy of God’s judgment against the house of Eli has been broadcast to the whole nation… how will the people respond. Pastor Joe helps us see the flaws in the way the people thought about God, and what God was prepared to do to keep His word!

God’s Word Restores

In the nation of Israel there was a massive problem… the word of God was rare. This had contributed to the downfall of the nation and the problems with the leaders that we have seen so far. Pastor Ben examines the moment when the Word finally arrives. NB: There were issues with the recording of this sermon. The written notes are available by clicking here!

Corruption & God’s People

Nothing causes more damage to the witness of Jesus in this world than corrupt leadership within the church. And yet, the church still struggles to be free from horrible examples of it. As we continue in 1 Samuel, pastor Joe unpacks the corruption of Israel’s priests and helps us understand how we can reconcile this painful tragedy in our own times.

Radical Sacrifice

We have seen Hannah cast herself at the mercy of Yahweh and find Him faithful and gracious. As we continue in our 1 Samuel series, Pastor Joe helps us see the kind of life Hannah’s stunning faith produces and the truth that empowers it.

The God Who Hears

The Book of 1 Samuel begins with the nation of Israel in a mess. In the midst of this mess, a broken and desperate women cries out to God and He hears. Pastor Joe helps us see how God used this unlikely woman’s faith to set His plan of salvation in motion.
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