Sermons by Joe Khan (Page 25)

Sermons by Joe Khan (Page 25)

The Fall – rebelling against God’s order

The concept of sin is something that can make us feel uncomfortable. Many people think that the Bible’s declarations about sin are just there to perpetuate the oppressive rule of the church… others see the brokenness that sin brings into the world and struggle with how the God of the Bible could allow it to happen. As Pastor Joe continues to unpack the core doctrine of the church he tackles this uneasy subject of sin & evil and what it…

Humanity – the image of God

It seems that the most noble quest according to our culture is the quest to find oneself.  I don’t quite know if many of us understand what finding ourself is really about, but we seem to embrace any trend, program or colouring book that promises us deeper knowledge of ourselves. As we investigate the doctrine of humanity Pastor Joe presents two narratives of humanity and unpacks the implications of which one you choose to believe about yourself.

Trinity – the self-sufficient God

We have a hard time explaining the Trinity! It is one of the questions we hope our friends and family don’t ask when we are trying to explain our faith because while we are confident that God is Trinity, we are all at sea when we try to explain how He can be Trinity.  As we continue to look at the essential doctrine of the church Pastor Joe takes us through the Trinity so that we may have more clarity,…

Scripture – the God who wants to be known

Most religions describe the concept of god as some distant, unknowable, mysterious being who exists in a place far removed from our existence who can only be known by those dedicated enough to find him. The Christian conception of God is of a being far bigger and far more outside of our existence than any other and yet this God is personal and longs to be known by His creation. As we begin to study the core doctrine of the…

Creed Prequel: What is the Gospel?

Before we begin our series looking at the essential doctrine of the church we take a moment to reflect on that which is our central, pivotal and definitive message… the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  It will be through this gospel that we seek to understand all the other points of doctrine we look at and by which we test all ideas about God.  So join Pastor Joe as he unpacks the cosmic picture of what God accomplished in the gospel. 

The End of Evil

In our society we have a tendency to downplay the concept of evil. We like to think that there really aren’t such categories as black and white, or good and evil; preferring to smooth everything out to grey. That is until something happens that we cannot mistake for anything but evil. The story of the Bible doesn’t hide the reality of evil.  In fact it highlights evil so that we cannot miss it.  But more than just highlighting it, the Bible…

Christ and Christmas

It seems like the world surrounding Jesus at the beginning of His life is there to worship Him… there to be amazed at Him… there to stand amazed at Him.  Well as Jesus grew and began a teaching ministry it seemed as though the crowds that flocked to hear Him were falling into line with this host of worshipers. And so in the encounter we see today we will be gripped with a desire to join in the worshipers but…

The End of Self-Justification

When we dust off our cute little nativity scenes each year we think little about the world that Jesus was born into.  We know the famous story of Joseph, Mary and the manger but we know very little of the kind of society that these events took place in.  As we start our Christmas series for 2015 we will look at what this society was like and how the coming of Jesus dramatically changed it.

Unparalleled Glory

We all long to be showered in some kind of glory. We don’t want to be thought of as average (or below average) so we do everything we can to capture even just a glimmer of glory. This morning we look at a moment in which Jesus prayed that He might be glorified. But as we will see His image of glory is so vastly different from ours… in fact it is confronting… but it is good!

Jeremiah in the Epic Story of God

When God chose to reveal Himself and His workings in this world to us He did not choose to give a lecture, He chose to tell us a story!  This story is truly epic.  It is a story that covers everything that God has done to create, redeem & restore His people throughout thousands of years of history.  As we finish our look at Jeremiah we will see what role Jeremiah played in this epic story and what we can…