Sermons by Joe Khan (Page 37)

Sermons by Joe Khan (Page 37)

Gospel Motivation

Sometimes we find it hard to be motivated in our faith.  One of the biggest issues in the church today is apathy or mediocrity.  This morning as we continue in Colossians we take a look at what motivated the Apostle Paul and learn some wonderful truths about our faith that will draw us out of complacency and into a vibrant life of following Christ.

Supreme Authority

So often we can feel guilty for not being able to squeeze Jesus into our lives somewhere.  In the busyness of our lives with all our responsibilities and desires competing for our attention it is often hard to make room for Jesus.  When Paul wrote this letter to the Colossian Christians his desire was to present Jesus in such a way that He would be seen as supreme over all the things that compete for our attention.  This morning Pastor…

Thankful for the Gospel

This morning we begin a new series in Colossians.  Paul is writing to a church he didn’t plant but a church that he had a huge investment in because he had led the church planter to Christ.  In this letter Paul reminds the Christians in Colossae of the supremacy of Christ and the blessing that is for this world and their lives.  But today we start by looking at the joy and thankfulness that overflows in Paul’s heart when he hears about the work of the gospel in Colossae.  Perhaps there is a need for us to be thankful as well.

How We Sing

In the final message of our singing series Pastor Joe turns our attention to how it is we should sing as a congregation.  He looks at the interplay between the truths we believe, the emotions we feel and the responses we express to imagine what our services would be like if we really expressed the gospel in song.

The Spiritual Blessing of Song

Last week we saw why it is that God calls us to be a community of song.  He has given us something to sing about; the most glorious thing; redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  This week we go on to see the blessings that singing together brings to our community and hence why it is not just a tradition or an enjoyment but a necessity in the life of the church.

Why We Sing

Week by week we come to church and we stand and sing.  It is something we assume will be part of our church experience and therefore it is something we often take for granted.  How regularly do you think about why we sing in church?  Pastor Joe begins this new series and seeks to answer this question by investigating one of the most important songs in Israel’s history.  In this song we discover why it is that God wants His…

Jesus: Captivator of Hearts

As we finish our series on the life of Jesus we come across an amazing encounter between Jesus and two of His disciples. They walk on a road with heavy hearts from the fact their hopes were shattered by Jesus’ death, but as Jesus walks with them and gently teaches them something amazing happens. At the end of this encounter the heavy-hearted disciples end up with a renewed passion that challenges where our own hearts are at.

Jesus: Defeater of Death

We saw on Friday that Jesus suffered the greatest act of injustice ever perpetrated against an individual resulting in His death in our place. Well His body was taken and placed in a tomb for burial. Sometimes we feel as though our lives are a bit like Jesus’ friends… trapped in a small room and burning with gut-wrenching hopelessness about where we are at. Well as the sun rose that Sunday morning everything changed… for the disciples and us!

Jesus: Sufferer of Injustice (Good Friday)

In our society our sense of injustice is incredibly finely tuned.  When we are wronged, even in the smallest of ways, we are quick to respond with shock, anger and emotion.  We have seen just how radical Jesus’ life has been.  He has sought out the lost, welcomed in the sinners, healed the sick and overcome evil; Jesus was the most amazing man who ever lived.  And yet the religious leaders of His day hated Him and conspired to kill…

Jesus: Lover of the Lost

We have seen how Jesus demolished the religiosity of the Pharisees and how He is the One with true authority and victory over evil. This week we hear about Jesus’ heart for the lost. In one of His most famous parables, Jesus tells the story of two sons… one rebellious and destructive the other obedient and hard working. As we look at how each son responds to the father we learn so much about how people in this world respond to God.
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