The Christmas Gift
Peter Muller helps us reflect deeply on the beauty and wonder of the God’s gift to us in Jesus.
Human Incarnation
As we continue to explore the wonder of the Incarnation, Pastor Ben unpacks how Jesus’ incarnation helps us better understand what it means to be human and how we can live out our true and glorious humanity.
Humble Incarnation
Many of us resonate with the desire to put the Christ back into Christmas… but perhaps what many people mean by this is simply having a more Christianised version of Christmas… Pastor Joe continues our incarnation series by proposing a way that we can truly put the Christ back into Christmas without it being a trite, superficial gimmick.
Cosmic Incarnation
In this, the first of our Incarnation messages, Pastor Joe looks at the cosmic nature of the incarnation and how we should never lose sight of the radical change the first Christmas made to our world.