Sermons on Matthew

Sermons on Matthew

Mission Possible 2

The mission of God has been given to the Church by Jesus so that we might go into all the world and make disciples of Jesus by proclaiming the good news about Jesus. But just like any good meal needs a recipe of key ingredients, so to the Christian mission has key ingredients for it to be the genuine article. In this sermon, Pastor Ben unpacks the core elements that make Christian mission authentic

The Idol of Power

Matthew 20:20-28 20 Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him. 21 “What is it you want?” he asked. She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.” 22 “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” “We can,” they answered. 23 Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink…

The Great Commission

Following the dramatic events of Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jesus reveals himself to his disciples one last time. In this last scene before Jesus ascends to be with his Father in Heaven, he makes the remarkable claim that he has all authority over all things but he also leaves his disciples with the promise of his presence as they go out on mission to make disciples. Tune in this week as Pastor Ben helps us to understand the significance of…

Witnesses of Resurrection

It seemed as though the story of Jesus had finished in tragedy. Betrayed, falsely found guilty, executed on a cross, pronounced dead, buried, hidden behind a stone, and guarded by experienced soldiers… it seemed a long way from the promise of a Messiah. But as Sunday dawned, the most faithful of Jesus’ followers were about to find out that the story had just begun! Pastor Joe helps us witness the resurrection of Jesus.

The Crucifixion

Over the last few weeks we have seen the events around Jesus’ life hurtling Him towards this moment; the moment He is finally crucified. Pastoral Intern Karl Scott helps us navigate the final moments of Jesus’ life and find a stunning and unmissable truth.

Jesus on Trial

Left on His own, Jesus is now thrust on trial before the ruling authorities and examined by the Roman Governor. But as He stands innocent, it will be everyone else whose guilt is truly revealed. Pastor Ben unpacks the injustice of Jesus’ trial.

Down to One

As Jesus walks His disciples through the last few hours they would spend together, He drops a hard word on them. A word they are not prepared to accept. Pastor Joe helps us see a shocking truth about the end of Jesus’ ministry, but a truth that has the power we need to be His followers today.

Extravagant Love

As the last moments of Jesus’ life approaches, He prepares to share one last meal with His disciples. Around this meal two of Jesus’ followers reveal very different attitudes towards Him. Pastor Ben helps us see this difference and know what it means to treasure Jesus with extravagant love.

The End is Near (Part 2)

As Jesus continues to warn His disciples about the great and terrible day of judgment, He uses three vivid images to cement the significance of the coming judgment and inform them how to live as they waited. Pastor Joe helps us feel the weight of what this means for us practically.
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