Easter 2016

Easter 2016

Hope on the Road to Emaus

Many of us know the pain of placing our hopes and dreams in somebody that we love only to have them let us down… the disciples we meet this morning were feeling this gut-wrenching pain as they wrestled with how the man they hoped would be the Messiah could have let them down by dying and leaving them alone. Well as Jesus encounters these disciples on the road as the travel we will see that their hopes are resurrected and…

Easter Sunday: Hope for the Doubter

Many of us have doubts. Doubts about the legitimacy of our faith, doubts about whether Christianity is worth following or not… The beauty of the gospel is that Jesus Christ does not discourage doubters… in fact Jesus is passionate about revealing Himself to us in the midst of our doubts and giving us certainty we can stand on. Our Pastoral Intern Chris, takes us through Jesus’ encounter with Thomas and his doubts.

Good Friday: The Promise of Paradise

We spend a lot of our lives striving to attain security, success and peace for ourselves but all too often that struggle only pulls us deeper and deeper into turmoil. This Good Friday we meet a man just like us who had spent his life striving to establish a kingdom in his own strength only to fall well short. But as his story intersects with the story God was telling the world though Jesus, he finds something that changes his…
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