"Wisdom" Tagged Sermons
Insatiable vapour
There was a problem with the recording of this sermon, the pastor’s notes are as follows: Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12 “Insatiable Vapour” Sunday 29th October 2017 Rosalie Baptist 9:30am 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty… less than $1.25 a day 22000 children die each day due to this poverty 750 million people live without access to clean drinking water Close to 200 million children under the age of 5 have stunted growth due to chronic malnutrition 2 million children die each…
The vaporous vapour
While the book of Proverbs has shown us the good paths of wisdom that God calls us to walk and how following the voice of folly will lead to our demise, it hasn’t given us the whole story. We know that life is far more complex than Proverbs can make it out to be… that sometimes those that walk in folly succeed while those that walk in wisdom suffer. It is into this confusing space that the book of Ecclesiastes…
Wisdom for our plans
From very young we are taught that having a plan is vital to success. The Proverbs seem to back this up as they highlight the wisdom that exists in a well planned venture. But Proverbs also tells us that planning has its limitations. Dave Evans will help us to see why our plans aren’t all they are cracked up to be and how we can honour God with the way we plan.
Wisdom of the Elderly
Why is the thought of being old such a terrifying idea for us? Somewhere along the way our culture has decided that being old is bad. However, when you look at the scriptures, the elderly are almost universally revered and esteemed. Pastor Joe examines why our culture is terrified by old age and how the wisdom of God points us to a better way.
Wisdom for our Words
Something went wrong with the recording for this sermon. The pastor’s notes are as follows: “Words of Wisdom” Sunday 17th September 2017 Rosalie 9:30am You would have to be living under a rock to be unaware of the current debates that are ongoing in our nation concerning marriage, religion, gender, and sexuality. One of the flow on effects from this debate has been broader conversation about freedom of speech… The thought that all people should be free to express their…
Wisdom for the flourishing of Women
Our society places incredibly high expectations on women. Women are expected to be smart, successful, beautiful, homely, motherly, fit, and emotionally strong. The pressure on women to perform on all these levels is huge. So in the church, when we come to a passage like Proverbs 31, it is easy for our community to view it as a manifesto for women, a list of essentials, or a standard that must be attained. The pressure to be a “Proverbs 31 woman”…
Wisdom for Sex
There is no doubt we live in a sexualised world. If anything the message of this sexualised world is that sex is your right, sex is there to be experimented and explored without any real boundaries. This world also seems to think that Christianity’s sexual ethic is oppressive and restrictive. Against this backdrop the Proverbs will give us a reason that God forbids sexual sin and calls us to a covenant love that is for our joy and His glory.…
Wisdom for Work
In Australian culture we make a habit of grumbling about our jobs; it is fashionable to bag out our boss, whine about how busy we are, and to do anything we can to get out of work. We are the nation of sickies, long weekends and the dream of early retirement. But at the same time, deep down inside we are addicted to our work… there is something about it that causes us to sacrifice almost anything (time, relationships, health)…
A Conversation About Sin
Last week we began our series on Wisdom Literature by unpacking the joys of wisdom. This week we take a look at the flipside of wisdom: foolishness, wickedness or sin. Because sin tends to be a negative thought in society, it is something that we don’t like to talk about. But for those who want to pursue true wisdom, an understanding of sin, and an appropriate way to talk about it, are essential. Join us as we open up this…
On Being Wise
Our series on Wisdom Literature is called “Every Good Path” but if you asked our generation for wisdom they might say, “Every path is good.” It might seem like this relativism sets people free and makes life easier because there are now so many options when it comes to what is right. But instead all these options have made us the most confused generation of all time. More than ever we need to know what it means to be wise…