"Proverbs" Tagged Sermons
Wisdom for our plans
From very young we are taught that having a plan is vital to success. The Proverbs seem to back this up as they highlight the wisdom that exists in a well planned venture. But Proverbs also tells us that planning has its limitations. Dave Evans will help us to see why our plans aren’t all they are cracked up to be and how we can honour God with the way we plan.
The Wise Friend
We all know the joy of being able to do life with others… the joy of friends. But what is it about friendship that we value so much? Student Intern Dan Roberts takes us through God’s wisdom for friendship, highlighting why God created us for each other and how we can best express true friendship.
Wisdom of the Elderly
Why is the thought of being old such a terrifying idea for us? Somewhere along the way our culture has decided that being old is bad. However, when you look at the scriptures, the elderly are almost universally revered and esteemed. Pastor Joe examines why our culture is terrified by old age and how the wisdom of God points us to a better way.
Wisdom for our Words
Something went wrong with the recording for this sermon. The pastor’s notes are as follows: “Words of Wisdom” Sunday 17th September 2017 Rosalie 9:30am You would have to be living under a rock to be unaware of the current debates that are ongoing in our nation concerning marriage, religion, gender, and sexuality. One of the flow on effects from this debate has been broader conversation about freedom of speech… The thought that all people should be free to express their…
Wisdom for Work
In Australian culture we make a habit of grumbling about our jobs; it is fashionable to bag out our boss, whine about how busy we are, and to do anything we can to get out of work. We are the nation of sickies, long weekends and the dream of early retirement. But at the same time, deep down inside we are addicted to our work… there is something about it that causes us to sacrifice almost anything (time, relationships, health)…