In the gospel of Luke we are presented with a wonderful dialogue between Jesus and an expert in Jewish law. It is out of this dialogue that we are reminded of one of Jesus most famous parables, the parable of the good Samaritan. As we delve into this wonderful story, may we be reminded that we are not justified by the neighbours we choose to love, but may we consider how we are now free to be an indiscriminate neighbour…
In his short life on earth Jesus had a lot to say and the words which he spoke have had impacted countless lives over the last 2000 or so years. The parable of the sower challenges us to consider how we have responded to Jesus. Are you willing to listen to his words and reflect upon the impact they could have on your life? Have you accepted Christ’s words in the past but for a particular reason have since rejected…
“The Great Aussie Dream” is wrapped up in hard work, property, financial security, food and life enjoyment. And so when Jesus tells a parable about a farmer who worked hard, reaped the rewards of the work and invested it wisely we might be shocked when Jesus declares this man to be a fool. Josh Mays shares with us why this man is a fool and how his foolishness can so easily entangle us.
Most of us know what it is like to have our minds blown by a revelation about someone that completely changes our perception of them. Well this happened for the leaders of Israel when Jesus told a simple yet shocking story to them. They went from sceptics who were happy to tolerate Him to planning His murder. This morning Pastor Joe looks at what Jesus said that was so shocking that it brought about this anger and we examine whether…