"Matthew" Tagged Sermons

"Matthew" Tagged Sermons

Christmas isn’t Merry for Everyone

It is supposed to be a happy time of year for food, family and fun, but you only have to look around our country and the world to realise that a simply holiday doesn’t change the brokenness and hurt we can face – in fact Christmas can often magnify this pain!  As we start our series on the scandal of Christmas we look at the reality that Christmas isn’t merry for everyone; not now and not at the time of…

Community that makes disciples

The Great Commission is one of the most famous commands of Jesus Christ and yet if we are to be honest we have to acknowledge that for some reason the church has struggled to keep it.  But we have to see that this command was given by Jesus off the back of the most amazing event in history – the resurrection!  It was with resurrection authority that Jesus gave the church this commission and we should be moved by this…

God is at Work

In the story of Christmas one man is often forgotten about.  We know the shepherd, the wise men, Mary and even the donkey but how often do we think about Joseph?  Joseph is often viewed as Mary’s “plus one” just an added extra to look good in nativity scenes… but this morning we are going to try and put ourselves in his shoes and imagine how the news of Mary’s pregnancy would have impacted his life and what God does…
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