"Life" Tagged Sermons
Memento Mori
In most of our life we don’t tend to think about death. But every now and then we get a chilling reminder that death is not an abstract concept for us humans… it is a very real reality and our very certain destiny. Now while a sermon of death doesn’t seem that edifying, the fact Ecclesiastes speaks so candidly about it gives us something that perhaps nothing else in life does… it vindicates the pain and fear we feel around death. …
The swinging pendulum
While the book of Ecclesiastes is unlikely to be the most popular book in the bible, it does contain some passages that are incredibly well-known. None more so that the poem at the beginning of chapter 3. Immortalised in a song made famous by the Byrds, Solomon’s poem paints a beautiful picture of the seasons of pendulum swings of life. While the song gave a generation of people hope, in many ways Solomon wrote it to evoke a completely different…
Easter Sunday: No Condemnation
This life constantly casts burdens upon our shoulders… the burdens of trying to get everything in our life right… to measure up to the demands of those around us. But in the story of the empty tomb there is a stunning truth that offers us hope and freedom. On Resurrection Sunday Pastor Joe reveals the amazing word that God spoke over humanity when He raised Jesus from the dead and how it gives us true freedom!
Graduating to Faith
All throughout our Galatians series so far Paul has been championing the reality that we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ. IN other words that the basis for our right standing with God is not our capacity to measure up to the Law of Moses but rather Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. But if you are anything like me this raises a question: What’s the deal with the Law now? Does it matter how I live? Why did God…