"kingdom" Tagged Sermons
The Unshakable Hope
All of us are looking for a kingdom, not a stereotypical kingdom with a castle and a mote, but we want to set our lives up to be safe, prosperous, and secure. The people of the first century were likewise tempted to build a life of security and safety for themselves but because they had chosen to follow Jesus their lives had become less secure. So the preacher, knowing their fears and insecurities, calls to them with the glories of…
Creed Prequel: What is the Gospel?
Before we begin our series looking at the essential doctrine of the church we take a moment to reflect on that which is our central, pivotal and definitive message… the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It will be through this gospel that we seek to understand all the other points of doctrine we look at and by which we test all ideas about God. So join Pastor Joe as he unpacks the cosmic picture of what God accomplished in the gospel.