"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

The Fall of Evil

The call to holiness is often viewed as a call to drudgery, boredom and joyless discipline.  Normally we have combated this misunderstanding by highlighting that holiness is joyfulness, liberty and true life… but Revelation 18 has a different take on it that is equally valid.  When God calls His people to “come out” from Babylon, He is doing so because of Babylon’s destiny… a destiny He longs to spare His people from.

Great Forces of Evil

In Revelation 17 we see the two main thrusts of evil in the world and they are not like anything we might have imagined.  Join Pastor Joe as he uncovers the nature of this evil and how Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb, can empower our wrestle against it.

The Day of Wrath Uncovered

We often speak about the coming of God’s Kingdom like it will just one day appear… but kingdoms do not come silently.  The Scriptures tell of the Kingdom of God like it will be a stone that crushes all other kingdoms to dust.  Well in Revelation 15-16 we catch a glimpse of this earth-shattering arrival.  Join us as Pastor Joe helps us come to grips with the day of God’s coming wrath.

TriChurch18 #3 – Joe Khan

TriChurch Summit is a collaborative ministry of Grange Baptist, Enoggera Baptist & Rosalie Baptist. Joe Khan (Rosalie Baptist) examines the biggest obstacle to us joining the mission of God and challenges us to look at our lives and shake free from that which hinders us in the mission.

TriChurch18 #2 – Peter Francis

TriChurch Summit is a collaborative ministry of Grange Baptist, Enoggera Baptist & Rosalie Baptist. Rev Dr Peter Francis (Malyon College Principal) continues our investigation of the mission of God by unpacking the Great Commission for us.

The Fierce Love of God

We have seen the epic drama of an angry dragon making war on the people of God in a last ditch effort to cause damage to the plan of God.  While the victory of God is assured, God still has to watch His people endure the threats of the dragon. How will God respond when His people are threatened? How will He display His love to them?

Good Friday: The God who makes peace

Our history is marked with hostility.  From brokenness in simple relationships to hostility on a global scale.  Some may ask where God is in the midst of this hostility; has He abandoned us?  Where is God when we are crying out for peace?  The story of Good Friday reveals something stunning about God and our quest for peace on earth.

The Witness of the Church

Many in the Christian church have theories about what the church should do with the increasingly hostile or ignorant response of our society to Christianity.  But here in Revelation 10-11 God uncovers how His true church does respond when confronted with a hostile context.  This reality should redirect our thinking from the speculative theories and towards the eternal call that God has one His church.

Judgment Uncovered

Living in a peaceful and happy society it is easy to feel like we humans have got things pretty well sorted.  However, what we see in front of us is only a super thin slice of the broader story of human history.  There is a long history of rebellion and destruction that follows us everywhere.  For this reason God has always sought to show His displeasure at our rebellion through ongoing judgment against sin. Chapters 8-9 of Revelation uncover the…

The People of God Uncovered

In chapter 6 we shuddered as we heard that the world would never cease to be plagued by suffering, war, poverty and injustice.  Well it seems that God knows how harrowing this revelation would be for His people because instead of moving onto the 7th seal He unpacks a wonderful vision for John and the churches that is designed to reassure us of His power and salvation.