"gospel" Tagged Sermons
When we come to salvation in Christ what are we actually doing? Is it turning over a new leaf? Is it making a new commitment? Is it embracing a new community or set of rules for life? Or is it something more? As we look at the rite of baptism we are going to see how this ritual is far more than mere ritual, and how it mirrors the kind of salvation we have received.
Every week in church we preach the gospel. Why? I mean if the congregation are already believers why do we persist with this same message? As we begin our Gospel Drama series, we take a look at preaching and why it is vital for both the church and the world.
TriChurch #4 – Matt Maloney
TriChurch Summit is a collaborative ministry of Grange Baptist, Enoggera Baptist & Rosalie Baptist. As we complete our weekend of teaching, Matt Maloney (Enoggera Baptist) shows us how they gospel truths we believe actually provide us with confidence and practical understanding of how to go about the mission we are called to.
TriChurch18 #3 – Joe Khan
TriChurch Summit is a collaborative ministry of Grange Baptist, Enoggera Baptist & Rosalie Baptist. Joe Khan (Rosalie Baptist) examines the biggest obstacle to us joining the mission of God and challenges us to look at our lives and shake free from that which hinders us in the mission.
The Gospel is Victorious
As we come to the end of Acts, we find Paul finally makes it to Rome where he continues to preach the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. Here Acts leaves Paul, preaching the gospel in Rome, living at his own expense, with the world coming to hear him. Luke finishes his account of the early church here to show us something that is stunning that should grip our hearts and embolden our mission.
The Gospel Seeks Welfare
Many people distance themselves from Christianity because they feel it is a lost cause. In a world that values tolerance and hates narrow-mindedness, Christianity often appears as divisive and bigoted. The Apostle Paul is often viewed as the epitome of this unattractive way of life… single-focused, blunt, divisive, and a trouble-maker. However, in the passage we look at today we see the faith of Paul at work in a way that shatters these misconceptions and we will be challenged to…
A Public Defence of the Gospel
Paul’s decision to return to Jerusalem and go to the Temple to worship thrust him into a set of circumstances that were outside of his control. He was bounced from one official to another as the Romans struggled to know what to do with him. But in this season of captivity Paul is given 3 significant chances to publicly defend the gospel before these various rulers. In this defence we see some truths that can help frame our public defence…
The Gospel as #lifegoal
Having journeyed with Paul over the last few months of our Acts series we have come to know him fairly well; to the point where we might be able to predict what he will do. But as he arrives back in Jerusalem he will make 3 decisions that seem bizarre to us. He will act against Spirit-filled advice, embrace the Jewish Law again, and deliberately place himself in danger. But as we uncover his motives behind these 3 decisions we…
The Gospel Forges Bonds
Many of us long for deep, intimate and meaningful friendship. However, we often look to fill this need by finding people with whom we share a common interest. As we look at the stunning level of friendship Paul shared with the Ephesian elders we see that there is something that forms a stronger bond than any common interest. Join Pastor Joe as he unpacks what it means to have lasting gospel friendship.
The Gospel Satisfies Every Longing
Ministering the gospel in the synagogues had come fairly easy to Paul. There he had the perfect foothold to start conversations that would lead to the gospel. He simply had to teach Jesus was the Christ from the Jewish Scriptures and people understood what he was getting at. But this week we find Paul in Athens, the epicentre of Greek intellectualism, philosophy and arts. Here he would not have had the easy foothold of the Law. So As we observe…