"fear of the lord" Tagged Sermons
Wisdom for the flourishing of Women
Our society places incredibly high expectations on women. Women are expected to be smart, successful, beautiful, homely, motherly, fit, and emotionally strong. The pressure on women to perform on all these levels is huge. So in the church, when we come to a passage like Proverbs 31, it is easy for our community to view it as a manifesto for women, a list of essentials, or a standard that must be attained. The pressure to be a “Proverbs 31 woman”…
On Being Wise
Our series on Wisdom Literature is called “Every Good Path” but if you asked our generation for wisdom they might say, “Every path is good.” It might seem like this relativism sets people free and makes life easier because there are now so many options when it comes to what is right. But instead all these options have made us the most confused generation of all time. More than ever we need to know what it means to be wise…