Building Project

Building Project

As a church, we have committed to making our property accessible and beneficial for as many people as possible. To this end we are have been planning a number of projects that will greatly improve our facility.

The current project is an accessible toilet for the hall.

This toilet will take up some of the existing kitchen, but will provide easy access to an all abilities toilet and infant change room for those using the hall without having to make the journey downstairs. We believe this will be a great addition to our facility and benefit all who use the church hall.

The fundraising goal is $35000 and the church has already made a great start towards achieving this. We would however, like to make you aware of this project and ask you to consider making a contribution as well. You can do this by making a deposit into our building account below. With everyone working together, we believe this toilet can be competed before the end of the year.

BSB: 704-913
Account Number: 400018180
Reference: “Bathroom”

All funds raised will be used for the accessible toilet and relevant upgrades in the Rosalie Baptist Church Hall.

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