"Christ" Tagged Sermons

"Christ" Tagged Sermons

Waiting for a Leader

The audio recording failed this Sunday. The following is a transcript of the sermon notes: Malachi 2:1-9 We live in a very sensitive society that is becoming more and more sensitive. We have developed into a people with a very strong culture of unspoken social norms of political correctness and doing everything to avoid offending someone else. In some instances this can be really good because it can protect vulnerable people from bearing the brunt of the insults of the…

Community that makes the gospel visible

Church… It is a concept that can evoke many varied ideas and emotions.  From those who loathe church maybe because of the way they were treated in the past… to those who find joy, life and purpose in the church… to those who just see it as a monument to a bygone era in the centre of town.  As we begin our series on the church I want us to envisage church in perhaps what is a new and refreshing…

Motivated by His Love

Love is something we talk about, hear about, read about and sing about often in our society.  From the love stories we read to the love songs we hear on the radio to the chick flicks we watch; love is everywhere.  However, with all these contexts for expressing love we still struggle to define exactly what our love for another is.  The reality is that love can be described both by how the object of our love makes us feel…

Josh Lean: Breaking free from Worry

Severe anxiety, sleeping disorders and depression are all on the rise, not to mention the stresses we all face on a day to day basis. Stress and anxiety seem a natural part of life in the 21st century. In this passage we see that Jesus has a remarkably different desire for his disciples—that they be worry free. This is a radical reality, not a pipe dream, made possible as we centre our desires and affections on all that we have…

Christ coloured relationships

Paul has been passionately proclaiming the supremacy of Christ and the amazing magnitude of the salvation we have received from Him.  When chapter 3 began we saw Paul proclaim that this salvation meant that our identity has been completely enveloped by this supreme Jesus… that God sees us as He sees His Son.  This has implications for our personal lives but also our relationships.  If Jesus is truly supreme and we are truly in Him then there is not one…
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