"Colossians" Tagged Sermons

"Colossians" Tagged Sermons

The End of Evil

In our society we have a tendency to downplay the concept of evil. We like to think that there really aren’t such categories as black and white, or good and evil; preferring to smooth everything out to grey. That is until something happens that we cannot mistake for anything but evil. The story of the Bible doesn’t hide the reality of evil.  In fact it highlights evil so that we cannot miss it.  But more than just highlighting it, the Bible…

Community that worships through the gospel

Worship… one of those easily spoken but hard to explain terms that gets thrown about all the time in church.  And yet worship is probably the definitive call of God on our lives… He longs for our worship… our devotion… our love… heart, soul and strength!  When we think of “an awesome worship time” we normally think of an experience where we feel we connected with God… but the worship that God demands is not about a felt experience of…

Seasoned with Jesus

While none of us would admit it, sometimes practically we live as though we think evangelism is for the trained professionals and that our job is to simply earn money so we can fund pastors and missionaries.  But as we near the end of Colossians we see that Paul invites people to join him in the task of gospel proclamation!  There is a role for you in the furthering of the message of Jesus.  Pastor Joe takes some time this…

Christ coloured relationships

Paul has been passionately proclaiming the supremacy of Christ and the amazing magnitude of the salvation we have received from Him.  When chapter 3 began we saw Paul proclaim that this salvation meant that our identity has been completely enveloped by this supreme Jesus… that God sees us as He sees His Son.  This has implications for our personal lives but also our relationships.  If Jesus is truly supreme and we are truly in Him then there is not one…

Christ: All You Need

As we have been journeying through Colossians we have seen that there were many ideas, philosophies and religions competing for the hearts and minds of the Colossian Christians.  This morning we see another of Paul’s pleas to reject these in favour of Christ alone.  Pastor Joe takes these truths and applies them to the problems that the church today has with evangelism.  

Gospel Motivation

Sometimes we find it hard to be motivated in our faith.  One of the biggest issues in the church today is apathy or mediocrity.  This morning as we continue in Colossians we take a look at what motivated the Apostle Paul and learn some wonderful truths about our faith that will draw us out of complacency and into a vibrant life of following Christ.

Supreme Authority

So often we can feel guilty for not being able to squeeze Jesus into our lives somewhere.  In the busyness of our lives with all our responsibilities and desires competing for our attention it is often hard to make room for Jesus.  When Paul wrote this letter to the Colossian Christians his desire was to present Jesus in such a way that He would be seen as supreme over all the things that compete for our attention.  This morning Pastor…

Thankful for the Gospel

This morning we begin a new series in Colossians.  Paul is writing to a church he didn’t plant but a church that he had a huge investment in because he had led the church planter to Christ.  In this letter Paul reminds the Christians in Colossae of the supremacy of Christ and the blessing that is for this world and their lives.  But today we start by looking at the joy and thankfulness that overflows in Paul’s heart when he hears about the work of the gospel in Colossae.  Perhaps there is a need for us to be thankful as well.
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